Friday, May 04, 2007

Pillow Books

The Guardian's Books website wanted to know what books were by people's beds. This is my offering:

What a nosy insight into other people's minds. This is better than 'Enders!

By the side of my bed is...

"The Best of Smash Hits 1980s" edited by Mark Frith - which I dip in and out of when I'm feeling too tired to handle anything more challenging. Fantastic stuff... and I'm hoping I never run out of things to read in it.

"The Shuttle" by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and recently republished by Persephone with beautiful floral endpapers. I can't wait to start reading this, as it's about the early 19th century habit of wealthy English women 'shuttling' across the Atantic to find a wealthy husband in the States.

"Royal Borough" by Rachel Ferguson. An original 1940s ex-library copy of this long out-of-print book by former sufragette and novelist Rachel, who used to write for Punch as well, about her love for Kensington. A glorified history, with so much detail, old maps, original drawings and photos.

"The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff - my mum gave me this for Christmas to encourage me to feel more peaceful towards the world. It's certainly very soothing reading that talks a lot of sense.

"School's Out" by Christophe DuFosse - I've just finished this and felt disappointed. The blurb enticed me that this would be a great modern thriller about psychotic school kids in France picking off their teachers. It was a rambling let down. Very disappointing.

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